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Saturday, January 4, 2020

O Come All Ye Faithful in Spanish

One of the oldest Christmas carols still sung is often known by its Latin title, Adeste fideles, in Spanish. Here is one popular version of the song with an English translation and vocabulary guide. Venid, adoremos Venid, adoremos, con alegre canto;venid al pueblito de Belà ©n.Hoy ha nacido el Rey del los à ¡ngeles.Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesà ºs. Cantadle loores, coros celestiales;resuene el eco angelical.Gloria cantemos al Dios del cielo.Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesà ºs. Seà ±or, nos gozamos en tu nacimiento;oh Cristo, a ti la gloria serà ¡.Ya en la carne, Verbo del Padre.Venid y adoremos, venid y adoremos,venid y adoremos a Cristo Jesus. Translation of Venid, adoremos Come, lets us worship with a happy song;come to the little town of Bethlehem.Today the King of the angels has been born.Come and worship, come and worship,Come and worship Christ Jesus. Sing him praises, heavenly choirs;may the angelical echo sound.Let us sing glory to the God of heaven.Come and worship, come and worship,come and worship Christ Jesus. Lord, we rejoice in your birth;O Christ, the glory will be yours.Now in the flesh, Word of the Father.Come and worship, come and worship,come and worship Christ Jesus. Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Venid: If youre familiar with only Latin American Spanish, you might not know this verb form of venir well. The -id is the ending for a command that goes with vosotros, so venid means you (plural) come or simply come. In Spain, this is the familiar or informal form, meaning it is the form that would typically be used with friends, family members, or children. Canto: Although this word, meaning song or the act of singing, isnt particularly common, you should be able to guess its meaning if you know that the verb cantar means to sing. Coros, eco: Both of these words have English cognates (choir and echo, respectively) where the c of Spanish is the ch in English, although the sounds of both are the hard c. The sound of c and ch in  in these words comes from the chi or χ of Greek. Among the many other word pairs like these are cronologà ­a/chronology and caos/chaos.   Pueblito: This is a diminutive form of pueblo, meaning (in this context) town or village. You may have noticed that in the translation of O Little Town of Bethlehem that the form pueblecito is used. There is no difference in meaning. Diminutive endings can sometimes be applied freely; here pueblito presumably was used because it fit the rhythm of the song. Belà ©n: This is the Spanish name for Bethlehem. It isnt unusual for names of cities, particularly those well-known centuries ago, to have different names in different languages. Interestingly, in Spanish the word belà ©n (not capitalized) has come to refer to a nativity scene or a crib. It also has a colloquial use referring to confusion or a confusing problem, possibly referring to the Day of the Holy Innocents. Ha nacido: This is the past perfect tense of nacer, which means to be born. Cantadle: This is the plural familiar command form of cantar (cantad), the same as venid explained above, and le is a pronoun meaning him. Cantadle loores, coros celestiales means sing him praises, heavenly choirs. Resuene: This is a conjugated form of the verb resonar, to resound or to echo. Resonar and sonar (to sound), from which is derived, are stem-changing verbs, in which the stem changes when it is stressed. Loor: This is an uncommon word meaning praise. It is seldom used in everyday speech, having mostly liturgical use. Cielo: Although cielo here refers to heaven, the word can also refer to the sky just as can the English heavens. Seà ±or: In everyday use, seà ±or is used as a mans courtesy title, the same as Mr. Unlike the English word Mr., the Spanish seà ±or can also mean lord. In Christianity, it becomes a way of referring to Jesus. Nos gozamos: This is an example of a reflexive verb usage. By itself, the verb gozar would typically mean to have joy or something similar. In the reflexive form, gozarse typically would be translated as rejoice. Nacimiento: The suffix -miento offers one way of transforming a verb into a noun. Nacimiento comes from nacer. Carne: In everyday use, this word typically means meat.  In liturgical use, it refers to a persons bodily nature. Verbo del Padre: As you might guess, the most common meaning of verbo is verb. Here, verbo is an allusion to the Gospel of John, where Jesus is referred to as the Word (logos in the original Greek). The traditional Spanish translation of the Bible, the Reina-Valera, uses the word Verbo rather than Palabra in translating John 1:1 from Greek. Alternative Spanish Version The version of Adeste fideles here isnt the only one in use. Here is the first verse of another common version along with its translation to English. Acudan, fieles, alegres, triunfantes,vengan, vengan a Belà ©n,Vean al recià ©n nacido, el Rey de los à ¡ngeles.Vengan, adoremos, vengan, adoremosvengan, adoremos al Seà ±or. Come, faithful, happy, triumphant,come, come to Bethlehem.See the newborn, the King of the angels.Come, adore, come, adorecome, adore the Lord.

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